Travel Day Attire: Slouchy Sweaters

Because what you’re wearing could cost you your connection, choose function over fashion to help ease the stress of travel.

by Rachael Crawley Sigsbee

We’ve all been there, running through the terminal trying to make our flight only to be slowed down to glacial speed by our overdressed, too-tight-pants, high-heel-wearing self whose outfit made so much more sense the night before. But how could anyone as fashion-conscious as we choose to travel in anything short of couture when celebrities and Pinterest make the airport look like it’s the streets of New York during Fashion Week? (#thanksbutnothanks)

The truth is that at times flying can be torturous, especially when you’re dressed in an ill-equipped outfit while doing so. Oversized sweaters are one of the best options for travel because they are pleasantly loose-fitting and can be paired with tights or skinny jeans and flats of all varieties, helping you stay comfy and runway ready (literally) next time you’re faced with sprinting Home Alone style through the airport.

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